Intel has announced that its upcoming Meteor Lake CPU lineup will feature a new branding scheme. Earlier rumors suggested that Intel would introduce "Core Ultra" brand extensions across various SKUs. The "i" in some model identifiers such as i3, i5, i7, and i9 will be partially replaced with "Ultra." An Ashes of the Singularity benchmark leak revealed a CPU called "Core Ultra 5 1003H" last week, and this information quickly spread across online hardware news outlets and communities.
Bernard Fernandes, director of global communications at Intel Corp., addressed the rumors and leaks via Twitter and confirmed that a new branding scheme is on the way. He stated, "Yes, we are making brand changes as we're at an inflection point in our client roadmap in preparation for the upcoming launch of our Meteor Lake processors. We will provide more details regarding these exciting changes in the coming weeks!" Although he did not directly mention the "Ultra Core" branding in his tweet, it is heavily implied that he is referring to the replacement of Intel's classic "i" labeling system.